Firmenverzeichnis Experts Preisvergleich

Solar Panel Database

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568 Aufrufe
Eingestellt 21, Dez 2017 in Solare Wärme, Heizen von Williamhawk (11 Punkte)

Hello all,

How do you update the solar panels database? Because no data is available for Indian Manufacturers of panels. eg Vikram Solar, Waree etc. So there is one more manufacturer which is not Indian, ie Australian Premium Solar (APS). One more popular module in India is Zytech from Spain. Can you please add this manufacturer's panels to the database?


I did not find the right solution from the internet.


1 Antwort

0 Punkte
Beantwortet 4, Jan 2018 von Ivonne Gugel (411 Punkte)


If you refer to please use the support

Kind regards

Ivonne Gugel


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