News of the year 2011

Date: 06.03.2011

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Building an Internet-Based Energy Structure

Sunday, 3.6.2011 - 13:06 (Renewable Energy World)

Back in 2005, I remember Atlanta gas prices being even higher than they are now. The cause was Hurricane Katrina. It knocked out two pipelines running from Louisiana, which supplied Atlanta and other cities along it with gasoline. That single point of failure caused untold financial havoc.  Most of our energy infrastructure remains just that vulnerable. We refine petroleum in a very small number of places. We don't have that many pipelines, and an interruption of any one can disrupt service to millions. A massive blackout can result from a single failure. It's in the nature of fossil fuels that things are this way. As Mark Twain said, “Put all your eggs in one Read more

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